Explore & Discover: Workshops for Scientists
Are you an inquisitive scientist who wants to make a greater impact on your organization or advance your career? To develop your skills and perspective beyond technical expertise? We’ve created a program tailored just for you.
Explore relevant topics, receive your Insights Discovery profile, and discuss current challenges you and other participants are facing.
Identify your strengths and sources of resilience.
Experiment with new ideas and solutions to workplace challenges, with a built-in support network.
Discover authentic ways for you to make a positive impact.
Select the Track Best Suited to Your Specific Career Mileposts.
Four tracks available – for interests ranging from recent college graduates to experienced professionals wondering “What’s next?”

Navigate: New to the Workforce
Orienting ourselves in a corporate organization can be tough. As scientists, we tend to like clear expectations and to quickly build expertise and competence. This new environment can challenge our ability to do so. Who do we turn to for guidance? What’s the best way to navigate performance and team expectations?

From Individual Contributor to People Manager
Leading people well is a skill that requires dedication and practice, separate from our technical competence. Beyond the practical managerial training offered by our own organizations, self-awareness is key. What areas of people leadership are “easy” for us? Where might we run into challenges, and who can we turn to when that happens?

Increase Your Influence, Increase Your Impact
We all create work habits as we’re building our career. With strong self-awareness, we may identify areas which strengthen our voice, allow us to more easily influence others, and ultimately increase our impact. How do we identify which habits are hindering us from further achievement? What are our superpowers?

Rocked it as a Scientist: What’s Next?
When we’ve spent our career building expertise in one area, contemplating a change can be daunting. What are our options outside of the sciences? How might we move to another department? How do we know what’s the right next step? Who can help us along the way?